Support overview
Your partner in providing safer care in care homes.
What we do
Immedicare is an NHS digital health service, providing care homes with 24/7 access to professional clinical assessments via video call. Care home staff and residents can access NHS professionals in our Digital Care Hub for virtual clinical assessment and/or supervision.
When contacted, a member of our expert clinical team will carry out the remote consultation using secure video technology. In the Digital Care Hub, we have access to the patient’s local GP record, meaning our team can make fully informed decisions about their care.
Approximately 90% of residents stay at home following a consultation with Immedicare, and more than 60% of residents do not require a local referral. Our service reduces pressure on busy NHS services, including GP teams, ambulances, hospitals and community teams.
Care home staff are encouraged to call Immedicare first when they are concerned about a resident, so we can triage and assess their needs. Early identification of any issues together with a clinical response frees up GP surgery staff, community response teams and social care staff to manage consultations that need to be face-to-face.
We are pioneers in virtual care
Our service can integrate with both EMIS and SystmOne, meaning the clinical team can have access to the resident’s medical history during consultation. We provide care homes with the fully supported devices and network connectivity they need to carry out high-definition video consultations. Using these devices, our care homes can also talk to their local GPs, pharmacies, community teams and Emergency Department via the Care Connect portal.
Experts in providing clinical support to care homes
Our experienced NHS team, which includes nurses, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, paramedics and healthcare support workers have extensive expertise in urgent, emergency, community and palliative care.
Our highly specialised support is focused on the clinical conditions with which care home residents are most likely to need support. We provide assessment and supervision for falls assessment and prevention, wound care, medicines safety, end of life care and nutrition and hydration.
Key service features
We offer care homes 24/7 access to NHS clinical support delivered directly from our Digital Care Hub using highly secure video conferencing technology.
Our Digital Care Hub has full SystmOne <> EMIS interoperability and our clinicians can view the resident’s local electronic patient record during consultations.
We co-develop a comprehensive local directory of services to support the operation of the service in your area.
- Care homes will be provided with HD video technology devices and network connectivity / system access.
- Our national team of relationship managers will provide day to day support for all care homes.
- We provide full data analytics and monthly reporting to track progress and evidence local impact.
- We provide 24/7 technical support.
Get in touch
To find out more about how Immedicare can support care homes in your area, contact us.